Financial Analysis


If your company is under-performing and the cause seems to be elusive, it is time for a Profitability and Cash Flow Analysis.

An in-depth analysis tells the true story.

It reveals what is effecting performance and what strategies can change the profitability and improve cash flow.

Sometimes what appears to be the problem is really just a symptom of another issue.

Root cause analysis insures that we are working on the REAL problem.

Profitability and Cash Flow Analysis can include the following:

  • Gross Profit Margin Analysis
  • Cash Flow – Historical and Projections
  • Pricing Analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Forecasting
  • Budgeting
  • Procurement Analysis
  • Inventory Turnover Analysis

Inventory Troubles?

Controlling and accounting for inventory frequently causes problems. Without accurate inventory numbers neither your income statement nor balance sheet are going to be accurate causing the value of financial reports to be questionable

Accurate inventory is a critical component of determining profitability, whether pricing is adequate and whether the Gross Profit Margin is improving or declining.

Controlling inventory requires an adequate accounting system, process controls and management oversight. If inventory is giving you woes because it’s affecting your ability to make good decisions for your company, then it’s time to have a professional step in and resolve the issue.

Profitability and Cash Flow Analysis looks at all of the contributing factors.

My recommendations will get your company back on track. As with all of my analysis I provide a report of findings and recommendations.

I can play an active role in implementing or managing the implementation of those recommendations.

You will also receive my LIST OF BEST PRACTICES which includes everyday keys to improving and maintaining positive cash flow.